Revolutionize Design with 3 Canva AI Tools

In 2024, AI will continue to be a disruptor, transforming how we perform various tasks and interact with technology. I recently had an opportunity to dive deep into Canva’s AI tools after being asked to facilitate monthly social media webinars for Dandelion-Inc. As a community membership focused on uplifting women and women-owned businesses, Dandelion helps members develop strategic roadmaps to gain the public capital to achieve their business goals and successfully follow their passions. Social media is the perfect tool for these ladies, and I’m here to help!

We started the webinars earlier this month by reviewing some of Canva’s most creative design tools in our session, Get Creative with Canva. Although we’re excited about all of Canva’s features, these three (3) features will empower you to design innovative images and content!

Breaking Language Barriers: Translation and Multilingual Voiceovers

Canva Translate – Within any Canva design, users can navigate to the “apps” button on the left toolbar and search “translate” to access this transformative tool. The Translate feature ensures designs are universally accessible and inclusive. Effortlessly translate text into 134 different languages using advanced machine learning algorithms that translate words while preserving contextual and cultural nuances. With just a few clicks, quickly create multilingual marketing materials, social media posts, and other visual content.

That’s cool, but wait, there’s more!

Multilingual Voiceover – Now, search “multilingual” to add voiceovers in various languages to your designs. To use this tool, type a brief script and select the preferred language. This feature provides a wide range of languages and dialects, ensuring your message resonates with diverse audiences. You can now create more impactful and culturally relevant content using inclusive and engaging communication.

Canva Website Builder

Website Design & Publishing – You read that correctly! Canva is redefining website development and publishing with intuitive web design and publishing directly through its platform. Canva’s advanced AI technology simplifies web design by offering AI-driven layouts, customizable templates, and auto-alignment. Just select your brand colors, fonts, and images, and seamlessly transition from design to live website – all through Canva!

These are just 3 of the many tools available in Canva. Start exploring and see what you can create! If you still need help understanding Canva or would like me to host a training session for your staff or members, contact me at We can get creative together!


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