Sammi is an impactful, vibrant, & influential speaker for all audiences.

Invite Sammi to Speak at Your Event

Continue to speak and let your voice be heard. May your words provide direction, insight, & pause in the mind of your listener.
— Samantha Williams

Speaking Topics

  • Pivoting for Success

  • AI in Marketing & Business

  • Benefits of Being a Black Woman in Business

  • Business Communications - Effective Grammar & Writing Strategies

  • Navigating 21st-Century Technological Advancements

  • The PUSH and PULL of Entrepreneurship

  • Career Readiness Tools for Success

  • Showing up for your Business, Professionally

  • The Power of the Hashtag

  • Government Contracting 101 - Capability Statements & Proposal Writing

  • Navigating Certifications & Socioeconomic Designations

  • Give Back, Be a Mentor

  • Tips for the Entrepreneur Newbie

Fun, Informative, & Engaging!

Speaking Reviews

  • “Sammi always keeps it 100% real! I count on her for not holding back and speaking the truth!”

  • “Great speaker and presentation. ”

  • "Sammi is cheerful, patient, and thorough.”

  • “Very informative!”

  • “You did a phenomenal!!! job with your presentation. I am inspired and on fire!!”

  • “I am SUPER IMPRESSED with how you present and the manner in which you present. You gave clear examples, and I appreciate the format!”

  • I would highly recommend Samantha as a content strategist and also as a public speaker. We have had her on several occasions do training and speaking for members of our organization and she has been professional, clear and very knowledgeable. She is truly an expert in her field.

  • Samantha really helped me feel comfortable using Instagram for my business advertising which helped bring great recognition to my business. Take advantage of her help as she makes it easy to understand and retain the information when your on your own using the tool. I highly recommend her!

  • Sammi Williams has been a top-notch presenter for the Community Economic Development Fund's Business Education Program. She scores high marks from the attendees in her classes and has demonstrated her reliability and steadfastness, rain or shine. She is well-prepared for her lecturers and very engaged with students. CEDF is honored to have Sammi share her expertise with our small business clients.

  • Samantha Williams is knowledgeable and embodies the terms "work ethic" and "hustle". As a new small business owner, I've learned tremendously from her, and have benefited from the resources she's provided. Samantha does not mince words, and will give you the feedback you need to hear. Samantha is an expert in her field!

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